Day two and baby photos

Today was a day to settle for Lyric. Yesterday was a big day, after a big day the day before. So today, she can just chill. She ate breakfast kind of. But she did eat her hay. She was quiet and let me walk her out to the pasture, but she is definitely wanting horsey friends. She called to them. 


Once it got hot, I brought her in to the stall and let her and Fleck hang out there. Funny and Danny and I went for a ride. And when we left, Lyric called for us. :) Awwww... 

We got home and they got fed dinner. She did eat tonight. Not wet down and without beet pulp, but she ate the soaked hay cubes. And then after dinner we did a few minutes of Pillar 1 work and she gave a slight release! Good girl. I turned her back out and left her with hay. 


And then her breeder sent me baby photos. Oh goodness she was so cute! She also comes by her ears naturally. And... she has a spot!!! On her left hip. :) 


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