
Showing posts from February, 2025

Farrier Day and lunging

 Trembling in barn... but settled and got her feet done. Still fussy behind.  Lunged later. Calm and chill and back to her sweet self.  Lunged better. But also on bute. sound but still short and choppy to start. But happy to stay in trot without me having to really ask. Just still had to chase her into a bigger trot. BUT... actually tracking up much better. Though toe stabbing much worse... saw tracks in the ground. But maybe because it was freshly drug?  Will continue bute a few more days and discontinue this weekend before vet visit before hocks/stifles. Though also wondering about neck rads?? but.. one thing at a time.  sent video to Dr DeClue

Happy Birthday.... let's have Trauma and Cake

Happy 6th Birthday beautiful girl!!   I had planned to rest my big field so after everyone ate breakfast I turned them out in the well pump pasture. I had noticed Lyric was missing one hind shoe at breakfast. When I turned them out, mild shenanigans ensued. And I guess because Lyric was gone for two nights... and probably because both girls are in heat, Dan and Fleck are being stupid again. Dan is determined to not let Lyric anywhere near Fleck. So he's herding her away from him.. keeping himself between her and Fleck.. .it's ridiculous. And meanwhile... Funny is in raging heat and chewing on Dan's hocks trying to get him to notice her, and he's completely ignoring her. Fools! So they ran around a bit too because it's a "new pasture" again. And then Jean's horses came galloping up when they realized that mine were out there. So.. anyways... after they ate their hay and I had breakfast and caught up on some things, I went to catch her.    My plan was to...

Stressful Adventures

Wowza! That was an adventure. And a whirlwind...  After doing the seminar with Dr. DeClue, I was even more convinced that Lyrics issues were her iliopsoas and then shoulder girdle from the saddle. I was more concerned with her shoulder girdle as I had thought I was making progress already on the hind end and she seemed more painful in the front. BUT... start with the back and pelvis, so.. I did. And it didn't go well. So I had reached out to Dr. DeClue and she told me to bring Lyric to Ocala to let her show me how to treat her. And I had a friend with a horse that was struggling too with no real diagnosis. I had offered to treat her but also suggested she could go to see Dr. DeClue since her case was rather complicated and tricky. She opted to see Dr. DeClue. (Wise choice, I'm glad she did). I drive right past her house to get to Ocala but... two chestnut neurotic mares with trailering issues... we decided for our sanity and anxiety it was probably best to haul separately. Lyri...

Interesting.... and Weird

  Today was a lovely day! Windy... and got to be a lot chilly but beautiful! After I rode Funny I came home and decided to try lunging Lyric again. Her leg is still puffy but not as bad and I thought maybe it would help decrease the swelling if she moved around more. ??? ha! Maybe...    We warmed up at the walk and did our leg yields in hand and our pillar work. Then I pulled her blanket off and we did our trot. Ugh.. The first 5 minutes both ways was pretty bad. She was head bobbing again... this time I think on the left (which is the puffy leg). And she even snaked her head at me a bit. Which... maybe was sass, but maybe was "this hurts don't make me"... but she's been as lame before and never did that, so.. ?? After a few laps that went away though.    I almost didn't lunge her after the first 5 minute lap but I let her walk a good bit between her trot circle and then we went the other way to assess. And.. it started to get better. And then... she was licking...