
Showing posts from April, 2024

Rehabbing and then... chaos

 Stormy day supposedly... just barely rained so after... did some pillar work. just walked in the arena.. long straight walks and a few walk circles on the lunge but made them as big as possible. Working on good biomechanics. turned out and then went to change to get Dan to ride... came back to get dan and both girls were sweaty and lyric was even dripping sweat.. and had a nose bleed. Dangit.. you're supposed to be resting! And you're still missing a shoe and should be sore!!! Ugh... but good girl for her rehab work. and she also missed me while dan and i were at the beach

For the love.....

 Quiet all day... standing in the stall under the fans... Shockwaved SI joints because super painful there on exam Tuesday. Then did stifles. SOOOO good. Didn't try to kick or anything. enjoyed it Hosed off. Turned out... Was shockwaving Wyatt and suddenly she is galloping, rearing, spinning, bucking.... sigh... no mare, no. Finally chilled and limped to her stall. Pawing.... Please don't have broken that stifle.... Oh... you're just standing on your half twisted shoe on the right front. Sigh... Pulled it off, along with some hoof wall. pretty sore. But good!! You DON'T NEED TO BE RUNNING!!! Sigh... started trazadone. might let her go barefoot to see if that slows her down too.

well dammit

Waaaaahhhhhhhh :( Just when she was getting FUN! Kelli and I had scheduled a vet visit with Dr. Marquez for Dan and Marvin. I decided to have him look at Lyric too as I was worried she was still having some issues. She's been fussier lately again and losing her hind end on occasion. Nothing major, but... she's also never had a real true lameness evaluation done. So.. why not!?  I'm really glad I did. The horses were in all day because it was an all day affair. And Marvin was here too, so that added a little bit to her stress. Maybe stress isn't the right word, but her routine was definitely off! And that makes her nervous. We did Marvin's vet visit first, then Dan, and then it was Lyrics turn.  Dr. Marquez started off with a physical exam and palpating her. He noted how knock kneed she was. I know... I know. Basically he found that she was super sore in her pelvis at the tuber sacrales. And then he found stifle effusion. She was also a bit reactive in her suspensori...

Baby steps, but success

 Really good ride at home. doing our homework with adjustability but played with slightly more connection today. still had to carry herself, but... the softest of connections.  really good work at the end. Lifting her back more... moving into outside rein better. softer transitions. some lovely work! yay! sunset

Windy Day Ride

 Rode at Ashland. pretty good flat ride. I swear she grew, but once we go into the trot her back drops. but stuck to my homework plan and tried to stay away from "shaping her face" with the reins... and eventually we got some nice work. left still harder. canter is getting quite nice though. and she is now listening to my seat aids and is adjustable! Even after the canter, though it is harder.  then went to the field and walked up the hill twice and trotted up it twice. then went to the lake... splashed a bit again! Saw one baby goose... and about 12 adults. good girl. VERY WINDY day. Like.... almost got blown off the horse in the field. 

Back to Work

  Lesson day with Jacel! I love her. We had scheduled a lesson at 5 pm at Ashland but because of the rain last night, the arenas were closed. So... I told her that I would love for her to come here if she didn't mind, especially considering Jean wanted a lesson for her intern too. So.. she did! Jean ended up not replying to the text so it was just me, so she said she could teach me on two. I was tempted to ask her if I could do all 3, but I was tired and I didn't want to abuse her niceness. :)  I was torn on which horse to do first because Dan was FILTHY but not as tricky to catch sometimes. But, since he was so bad, I did him first. Of course Lyric ended up rolling in the wet mud during my lesson on him. The peanut gallery was in full force. They were all being silly and messing with each other while I was trying to ride. But anyways... I had my extra halter handy so I had Jacel catch Lyric while I got off Dan and then I untacked Dan and put the tack on her. I basically just ...

Chatt Hills: We DID it!!!

Oh I am so so so proud of Lyric. And of me too! I was really wanting to go show... not sure why really... maybe because I figured since Dan and Funny weren't showing, now is a good time. Maybe because we had such a good time at the jumper show. I don't know. But no one wanted to show soon! I was originally going to aim for Poplar because I happened to have that Friday off, but then... Caroline said she was going to Chatt the weekend before. And Chatt is closer. And I wouldn't have to spend the night, so.. I opted for that instead. Except then I couldn't go school on Friday with them because I was working at UGA and they couldn't swap dates. So, a friend had showed their recognized show the weekend before and posted photos of the course. And... it was HUGE! In my opinion anyways. Lots of big tables, the stupid v wing jump, the open oxer... ackkkkk!!! So I started to panic about not schooling. I thought about trying to go Thursday but I couldn't really find anyone...

Dressage at home

  Rode at home. Meh.. not great, but some good moments. Just very fussy. And skinny for some reason. Saddle??? Back in the PH, which seems to fit her.