Lyrics first show!!

 So.... today was the big day. Lyrics first show!!!! Of course she pulled a shoe thursday... and Deb came out to fit her for scoot boots but didn't have her size in stock. So we borrowed from a friend and practiced lunging in them yesterday and she seemed good. So yay! We can still show! 

This morning was a bit chilly and when I went to feed... there was shenanigans! It was like Mexican jumping beans from all three youngsters. Hee hee... Get it out now please!!! And she did. As did Funny and Danny. :) 

After everyone was fed and had their hay I got dressed and grabbed Lyric and we loaded up and headed to the show. She was a bit nervous at the show in the parking lot but stayed tied to the trailer. And when we first got there she stayed in the trailer while I checked in and used the bathroom. No shenanigans that I could tell. I got her groomed and put her scoot boots on and then went to tack up. She was nervous and kept turning/dancing around. Which meant she kept twisting those hind feet, so.. she twisted one shoe a good 90 pluls degrees a few times, so I finally gave up after the 4th reset and decided that we would just go barefoot behind. I figured she wasn't that sore and it was small jumps and I'd rather her be a little sore than have a twisted shoe and really hurt herself. So I pulled them off. Once we got tacked up we walked up there. My plan was to let her look for a few but Caroline was like "um... we're almost done with your division". Ooops! We had entered the cross rails and the 18" class. So guess I had to get on! Luckily she seemed pretty chill and despite there being a bunch of horses and people standing around the mounting block, Lyric didn't scatter anyone and was sane. We went to the side warm up and walked around a good bit and trotted a little. And she was pretty chill!!! I tried to learn the course but had a hard time seeing from where I was. So after a very short warm up we had to go in, so we just winged it! She was SOOOOOOO good. I circled once because I wasn't sure if that was the right fence or not and apparently I added a few fences to the course. ha ha. Whooops!! But that's okay. She was super. She just went in and did her job. She even cantered a few!! She didn't spook at any of the people outside of the arena... she didn't look at any of the decorations on the jumps... she didn't care about the flowers or anything. SOOOO proud! 

So then we came back out and she sat on the buckle watching with one foot cocked while I learned the courses for real. Then we did another little trot loop and went back in for round B. And she was super again! I remembered the course too and again, she even cantered a few fences. 

So then they raised them to verticals at 18" and after a little more warm up (Still no cantering and no jumps), we went in and did both our 18" rounds. The first trip was LOVELY! She was soooo good. I really think she likes this! The second trip was a bit messy. I think she was tired and I wasn't piloting as well so it got a little sloppier, but she was still super and tried and was such a good girl!



We ended up with a 5th place ribbon!!! Which she didn't care about fluttering on her face! And on top of the ribbon and her being so good for her classes, she was so chill for the whole show. Aside from the parking lot. But she spent about 2 plus hours up by the arena just hanging out with other horses and people. She was sweet and never pinned her ears. She just sat there and relaxed. She tried to befriend Indy and was all snuggly and nuzzling with him. Then she went up to the dog in front of the secretary tent and very slowly and gently reached down and touched his nose. (Apparently he usually runs from horses). She was also kind with some girls who were petting her and she was trying to make friends with some other horses too! And she just stood there waiting while I draped the lead rope over my shoulder and videoed both of Missy's trips. I mean... I don't want to hate on Dan, but it was SOOOOO nice to have a horse that was just chill and calm and sweet and .. not exhausting in that situation. Hee hee. 


Anyways... I'm such a proud mommy!! And she was a little fussy again back at the trailer but not bad. And she loaded up pretty quickly and nicely. We even hauled home with the right side butterfly window open. 




She's getting to be so fun!! Now if I can just get her this chill for our flat rides at home. Hee hee.


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