
Worth the wake up call

  Jacel offered to do lessons this morning because she had to cancel Tuesday but she wanted to ride her horse too, so she asked if we could do early. How early, cause....? :) Ha! She initially said 7 am. Ugh... I mean... I guess. I did tell her that it was hard because I had to leave for Ashland at 6 to make a 7 am lesson and it's hard to feed and load in the dark. So.. she settled on 7:30. ;) But.. it meant that I could get one ridden and then get another ridden and still have the day with Mike.    So I set my alarm for 5:45 and hoped for the best. And brrrrr it was chilly this am! I managed to get them all fed and caught Lyric easily and she loaded like a champ! The good hay in the hay bag might have helped. We got to Ashland at 7 am and it was still fairly dark! Like probably too dark to jump, so good thing we bumped it up 30 minutes. I got tacked up and we headed out. And it was so pretty!! It was worth it. It was foggy and the sun was rising and it was just quiet and pretty! 

Mental Break

 Farrier this am. Wasn't in front with the hay so had to put her in the round pen. Mad!  Good for farrier... weird and snuggly. ;) Chewing on me like Dan does after dan's vet visit, took her to ashland for a ride. Dressaged... stirrups way too long. Should have swapped to others but afraid to not use calfskin. hopefully my shorter ones will come soon. good girl but not as good as the other day. went for a nice long hack. Saw an armadillo. some deer. went to canter in the field and spooked some deer so sort of raced the deer while also spooking at the deer ;)  good pony though! then aurora borealis again tonight, but... she wasn't as cooperative for photos as the others

Dressaging properly!

 We got a dressage saddle!! It came... and .... it was very red!! I didn't want the dark chocolate to go to black too quickly, but... it's RED!!! BUT... it oiled down nicely. It just doesn't photograph well. In real life its gorgeous and I love the copper piping. but more importantly... we both love it! Rode with kelli at Ashland today. Put it on and away we went. She felt good. Like the best she's felt in awhile. Whether it's the wedges behind, the time off, the new saddle, my adjustment and acupuncture, or all of the above... she was really good today. We had a much more even connection in the bridle... more consistent outside rein connection... she felt stronger in her balance and maybe a little less on the forehand. She was tracking nicely and only fell out behind twice. The canter was BIG though. Hee hee... but nice. And we had a legit baby trot lengthen! Not just faster! then we went for a long hack...  bowling bowl squirrel.  then baby snake still couldn'