Tomorrow is another day

And today was a better day. I still was sad and even cried this morning, mostly because of hormones. But... Dr. DeClue called me as I was pulling into Barrows for my vet appt. She told me not to worry about working up the lameness, but to hold steady. She said that the shockwave changes how things feel and that's probably why she looked worse yesterday. And she said that she needed her neck facets done. And then I was like "Can I bring her to you again?" and she said yes. Phew. So, she'll send me dates soon. So that helped. Just... stay the course Holly. And then I adore Dr. Barrow too. I basically told her the whole story and she listened and didn't blow me off. She didn't dismiss anything and she was smart and had good ideas! We checked her front feet with hoof testers and she was negative so she didn't think it was her feet. She said she agreed that it wouldn't be wrong to do her hocks and stifles because sometimes veterinary medicine is "a d...